Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

SS and Medicare very funny.....

We would not need (sociallized) medicine if medicare worked. The only reason the government is ramming this rediculous plan down our throats is to disquise the fact that the government run Medicare program has imploded and is beyond saving.

Convert the country to a Socialized health care system and you hit the restart button. And you forever lock-up the voting block of the economically unviable.

It might be beneficial to ask some hard questions like:

Doesnt Medicaid cover people who can't afford insurance?

How can you ask an insurance company to cover a pre-existing condition? That doesnt seem to be the definition of insurance.

Would it be fair to require life insurance companies to provide a low cost insurance to terminally ill people?

Do the 47 million (americans and illegal aliens) that are always talked about really lack health care or just health insurance?

Why cant the government create a system that would provide people with a pre existing conditions basic health care?

What percentage of health care costs are directly attriutable to corporate profits, vs human resource/payroll vs malpractice insurance and defensive medicine?

I am all for indivduals having health care and I am all for individuals who want to insure themselfs agains the risk of heavy health care cost as long as they are willing to pay a reasonable cost to offset that liabilty. What I am not for is the re-distibution of wealth.

"Health Care For All" but by all meansplease "Pay For Your Own"

Mark A.

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