Then they could follow EVERYTHING that happens on a boat: closed head overboard valves, not wearing PFDs while on deck, tethers and a myriad of enforced USCG safety equipment, etc. etc. etc.
So who then is liable if one has a mandatory EPIRB ... and the rescue fails?
Just another expensive proposed forced tyranny from a burgeoning and exponentially exploding bureaucracy seeking to enhance the bureaucracy's 'importance' and that far exceeds the 'cost of diminishing returns'. How many billions will be required to comply, and how many 'extra' precious lives will be saved? ....
Education that emphasizes the risk and that supports the need to convince and assert ****voluntary**** usage would be much better in a (former) FREE society.
Time to begin to think about 'foreign flagging'?? ... and for more than draconian tax-extraction purposes.