I was appalled. It was on a charter cat. The dinghy could not be snugged up tight enough to keep it from 'wiggling', hence chafing on the tubes. There were now two block and tackles to handle simultaneoulsy (there went my single handed handling) and it was generally a pain. But then, I got my Mainecat 41. Used the main halyard over a boom extension, picked up the dinghy with outboard and fuel tank, retracted the extension into the boom and dropped the dinghy upright into chocks on an aft platform. That was sweet. Less than 5 minutes, singlehanded! I carried a variety of different boats, (one at a time). Inflatable, 18' tandem wherry, Poohduck sailing dinghy, no visibility issues, no weight/trim issues. But I sure haven't seen much before or after on an under 70'er. DDW's garage is a close second in convenience I'd suspect.