58. The skipper of Vestas Wind did not profess to have a detailed knowledge of navigation and all the navigation systems available in the boat. Clearly with his round the world experience he had very good general navigation knowledge. He was keenly aware of his inescapable responsibility, as the person in charge, for the safety of the boat and the persons onboard. He exercised this responsibility for navigation through delegation to the navigator. This was not formally stated or documented but was generally well understood between the two of them. The skipper had told the navigator that his number one priority was to keep the boat ‘off the bricks’. The navigator, if asleep, expected to be woken whenever there were any questions about the boat’s navigation or before crucial points in the race.
"exercised this responsibility for navigation through delegation to the navigator."
I don't think that would get him off the hook if Vestas Wind had been an oil tanker or cruise ship.