Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

unknowns from your side...

your cost basis on the property: if your in there at a good basis, you have a place to put your stuff, and you're ready to leave the area and look at another place to live when you return, then sell it. if there's emotional attachment, and family and other things that bind are there, keep it and rent it, if you can tolerate somebody living in your space. it seems there's a learning curve that comes with age. younger is better, easier, for doing this. older makes one reluctant to change. going away is great, coming back to "home" is warm and fuzzy. some folks need the "coming home" factor. this is a great time to buy things of value. cars, boats, planes, homes. if you feel you're leaving money on the table, you'll be able to make it up on the buy side. find the right seller, one with a low basis, wants to go and doesnt have to get the banks ok for a deal. thats a topic for another day. your in a good place.

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