Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Here's what he has to say about that...
In Response To: I'll go with Street . . . ()

Hey Jeremy,

"Many marine insurance underwriters (and this yacht insurance broker, as well) insist that boats be south of Hatteras before November 15, that boats of 40 feet or more have at least 4 in crew, and that - draft permitting - the Morehead City/Beaufort route be used. I think it would benefit everyone - insurers, Coast Guard, rescue teams, and yachtsmen - if all marine insurance underwriters and brokers insisted on these conditions."

It's a pity Street's cruising guides appear to have gone somewhat out of favor, I really enjoy reading his stuff... Here's a link to a story he did for CW back in '03, on sailing from the East Coast to the islands, pretty much a reprint of what he writes in the Transatlantic Guide:

best regards,


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