I downloaded the free version of SeaClear and all the charts I need from the NOAA site. Right now I am running Sea Clear on my 17" screen Dell laptop with a bluetooth 60 channel GPS receiver. I really like the combination. The only problem is that the 17" laptop is too big and clunky for use on the boat. That is why I was thinking about getting a 10" screen netbook.
The freeware plotting program meets my needs. If I buy a low end netbook, I will have just over $300 in what is in effect a 10" chart plotter with all the charts I want. The only downside I see is that I would still need a radar. A stand alone radar isn't much cheaper than a multifunction display with preloaded charts and a radome. I can watch movies on a netbook though
Jerry, I had no trouble downloading the charts for the new england coast and for Washington state