Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

I got them the day before I hauled for the winter!

However, my wife and I sailed all that day with them and were amazed at the difference. In light air we pointed much higher and were quite a bit quicker than I would have expected. We sailed in familiar waters and saved a couple tacks over our old sails. We had a friend sailing along side -but only for a while!- so I feel confident that the improved performance wasn't just wishfull thinking. Our old sails were shot and the jib had a very high clew whereas the new jib was much lower ( although not a deck sweeper), the main has some more roach and is loose footed now. Once we saw the shape of the new sails compared to the old suit we realized just how bagged out the old ones were! We got our sails built locally (UK in Halifax) and can't say enough good about them. Having someone measure and discuss options was invaluable to me. We chose Crosscut dacron but used high end cloth. They were triple stiched with a wider seam than normal with an eye to longevity. The shape is more performance oriented than before. They were built on-site, not offshore, and that was also important to me. At the end of the day we both felt like we had got a new boat rather than new sails. It was money well spent. Best regards, David

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