Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Yeah Right, Lite w/ lots of gear. LOL

"Long, skinny boats, fairly light, easily driven by a smallish rig relative to LOA, lots of machinery and stowage space for cruising gear."

Isn't this kinda like a sailboat that planes, or a Popular Geek, or a live aboard Airplane?

The minute anyone begins to cram lots of machinery and stowage in a light boat with a smallish rigs the dynamics change. Reminds me of people who bought cats and loaded them to go cruising and then wonder why they aren't as nimble as they "should" be.

We're trying to cut our weight down, I think we're about 2-3" below our designed waterline and it's "Hard to Do". Slowly we're getting rid of stuff and almost as slow some stuff gets added for spares. But in the year we've not added another inch so I consider that great!

I also find that when we cruised for 2 months / year what we needed to carry was much different then when we're full time. Many things we could then put off till we were back at our land base and had lots more resources to get things done. Now it is REALLY different. What took 2 hours at home can take all day now.

Fair Winds

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