Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

It's easy, just look at all the facts.

There is a cyclical current in the arctic that brings warmer water and less ice into the area over a fairly long term cycle. We are currently in a low ice state of that current evolution. Some glaciers are retreating, some are growing but overall ice accumulation has remained fairly constant. You just have to look at the virtually unmeasurable changes in sea level for proof of that. The retreat of the glacier in Greenland that is most often shown as evidence of global warming has a glacier in the next bay over that is growing. Anartica is losing ice on once side but gaining ice faster on the other side than it is losing on the other. There have been at least 3 warming periods in the last few 100,000 years that were warmer than we see today. Didn't seem to cause the extinction of the Polar Bear or have carbon emissions or homo sapiens to cause it. Carbon is a trailing indicator of warming not a leading indicator. In the past, a warming period has been followed by increased carbon in the atmosphere, not the reverse.

Some of the biggest disciples of global warming are cherry picking the data to justify the results they claim. The claim that Siberian trees verify that there is anthropomorphic global warming was based on less than 5 trees. There were far more trees that had rings that negated their assertions. The global warming true believer scientists are leading a McCarthy like crusade against any scientists who disagree with them. The recently leaked emails give plenty of evidence of this. Why are they doing this?? Could it be money?? The East Anglia University Professor who pretty much wrote the UN climate report has pulled in more than 30 million dollars in research grants. Even if only 10% of that sticks to his fingers, he is doing all right for himself. If Al Gore is so certain of the need for his carbon credit money making scam, why won't he debate anyone on th subject??? Could it be his doctored video doesn't stand up to close scrutiny??

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