Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Soylent Green is People!
In Response To: Population Control ()

We will never as a peolpe learn... The bible says breed more and the church plays along.

I was about to leave the Navy in '73 and saw this movie in Hong Kong of all places. The soundtrack was dubbed for the locals with captions in english.
Now remember this was the old HK...not the new cleaned up version. The streets outside looked just like the scenes in the movie's 2022 version of NYC.
I recall clearly the crowd's reactions...They took it as a comedy! When the Crowd Control "Scoops" (garbage trucks with front end loaders) showed up the theatre went wild with laughter.
I also recall thinking "How odd...this movie seems to fortell a bleak future..kind of sad...and yet these folk were living it" HK was unbeliveably crowded then and the streets outside looked just like movie. I thought "You people think this is funny!...It's you!"

Went back to HK two years ago... China has it's faults but they sure cleaned up that place.

Mother Nature will win in the end and rid the planet of pests like us...and Haiti is just a small start.
Enjoy it while we can...

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