Cruising Sailors Forum Archive


You think _only_ $3M "stuck to his finger"? What, you think he pockets cash? Or is it you think academics in GB are
highly paid? I think its very likely you've never had a research grant and are talking out of your ass.

Its funny, yesterday I was explaining how we do analysis, basically extract a signal from a noisy background, and I
found myself using the very same term these guys got so much bullshit grief for ' ... well the "trick" is ... ". Its by no
means a trick, but its just a word. Its like a mechanic would use the term when he describes his method of replacing
a tranny of something "... the trick is to ...". The word was used in exactly the same context.

- kg

PS Oh, and for whoever is claiming its all a market scam: if you understand the market that well then I sure as hell
hope you've used your obviously profound knowledge to cream off a few tens of millions for yourself.

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