Cruising Sailors Forum Archive


You said: By your own hand you acknowledged the need to allow the weaker to die off thereby allowing the strong and more adaptable to survive. By helping those who are incapable of surviving on their own you are defeating the very concept you have outlined by your own hand.

You don't understand the anthopological meaning of fitness. It does not mean strength or power, it means survivability. It means having children that will survive and reproduce.

So by darwinian fitness notions, we do not really know now who are the fittest and who are not. That will be said by the passing of time through changing environments. Pretending to know it and weed off the perceived non-fittest is fascism pure and simple.

If by looking at the mexican that mows your lawn, you think that you can tell whether his descendency or yours will fitttest and be standing in 5 centuries, you are fooling yourself and stepping into a conceptual tar pit.

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