Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Thank you, a most excellent explanation

I am not that versed in the actual science.

Just for the record, I used to believe the global warming bullshit. Until I made the connection with carbon credits. Having seen the rape of common man in 4 market bubbles now, it suddenly made perfect sense. The banksters are setting us up for a perpetual scam.

The sad part is, Either way this thing goes, things will be bad. If the scam gets to be common knowledge and the perpetrators outed, they will have done tremendous damage to the green movement and it will likely be a set back of decades. We may really and truly begin to suffocate and die of thirst for want of clean air and water before the green movement gets another foothold..

If the scam is allowed to proceed, the carbon credits market will allow us to continue on in our polluting and destructive ways with license of the green movement... Still at great cost to all of us. Except of course the banksters making a market in the carbon credits. If you doubt me, find out who will initially be "given" all these credits that will suddenly be for sale...

Truly sad, indeed.

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