Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Since you folks were discussing health care.... thought I provide the real solution.

Two birds with one stone. Then we really get our monies worth.

Just turn up the power on the airport scanners and do full body medical scans at the same time. One machine... no problem. Got the medical and the terrorist games covered all at once.

You have to ID yourself to fly, all we need to do now is put the record and internet cards back into the airport scanners... the send the data to a national medical database. Every time you fly, a new scan is taken and compared to the last one... any changes... you know spots or whatever that show up, and your doctor is notified.

This way we apply the typical American "Ford Assembly line" processes to take care of two problems.

And forget profiling... everybody is going to want their medical scan.

For folks that don't fly... install a few full body scanners in some public places and you just walk on through... heck, get TSA training folks to run these (they gotta learn somewhere).

Before too long, the whole country is being regularly scanned. So much for health care crisis. Cheapest health care system in the world.

I know, I know... brilliant, eh?

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