I need to replace my chain and nylon rode (heavy corrosion and general deterioration) and Have been trying to figure out how much chain and how much 3 strand and what actually fits into the locker.
But of course I was in fear of starting the dreaded "anchor thread."
OK so west coast boat, and generally deep anchorages... I think right now I have about 30 feet of chain... but I am thinking I want about 50 to 60 feet, or more... recent reading of cruising guides has lead me to believe that a lot of So Cal anchorages are at about 20 feet depth, so to get a 5:1 scope would take about 100 feet of chain. Then perhaps 100 feet of three strand 1/2 would give me 200 feet of rode altogether.
I found out that I need G4 for the windlass... I think it is 1/4. Have to measure to make sure.