Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Better, in my experience

I haven't had it slip yet, but what's better is the way it falls into the locker, and piles up in folds almost like chain. My 3-starnd was much stiffer and used to backup up into the hawse pipe, which would cause an override on the windlass if I wasn't watching it closely. I had to open the anchor locker and be on my knees to occasionally "help" it lay down and pull from beneath. Haven't had to do that with the brait.

The only downsides to brait are the price and that I think the lay is more likely to develop a pulled bundle of fibers if it snags on something, but that's not a problem while the line is under tension and all the fiber bundles are snug tight. And unless it's cut the fibers will likely pull and even out again next time it's under load.

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