Al, all.....
I was looking for a battery backup for Jill's smart phone. You know none of them seem to last long.
What I found turned out to be way more useful on the boat than "JUST" a battery. It's a RAVPower FileHub Built-in 6000mAh External Battery. Not only is it a backup battery for the phone, it's also a WiFi hub that I can connect an external hard drive (or thumb drive or ???) to and it serves up the files to any WiFi enabled device. AND, it has a WiFi receiver, so once it connects to a local WiFi service, any device connected to it can get a pass through. AND it has a Ethernet connection so if you have a long range "Bullet" type WiFi receiver, you can serve it out to your devices.
I have connected up our 1 Tb external drive with hundreds of TV and movies on it and served up more than 2 full movies (to 2 separate devices) and it was still going strong.