I took a quick look and you'll have to satisfy NYstate as well as the park regs. They don't look out of the norm at first glance, it will all depend on the quality of the soils at your building site. Best will be a fairly level area with the correct drainage so you can go with a pump less system and minimum leech field. But these things can sloooow you down. I'd get the process going right now if I were the builder.
"All on-site sewage disposal systems must meet the minimum New York State Department of Health standards
(Appendix 75-A) and comply with Agency guidelines. The Agency's "Guidelines for On-Site Sewage Disposal
Systems" provides more detailed information on types of on-site sewage disposal systems and soils and is
available upon request. Not all soils will adequately treat septic system waste water and, therefore, not all
areas are suitable for on-site septic systems. Special systems designed by a licensed professional engineer may
be the only way to overcome some, but not all, soil limitations.