Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

The recommendations for Rocna and Manson are "much higher"

We have and 65# CQR which is our "working" anchor. We have essentially an all chain rode. Ours is upsized by one "step" from CQR's recommendation. We also have another folded "Storm" anchor - a FX-50 by Fortress that has never been deployed in 16 years; and a another FX-37 fortress that's 25 years old that we've never deployed.

No wonder Rocna and Manson have such "ratings" -- they upsize the anchor weight by 25-30%.

In our case, when I looked into using these, they would interfere with our sprit pole before you went to their recommended weight premium.

I know that all of you with your small engine block weights called "superior anchors" will now hog-pile on me ;^)))))

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