Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Here's a possble fix and a question

On the vista issue get Windows 7 as soon as is possible. Two discs one for 32 bit system and one for 64 bit. If you have a 32 bit machine some will run 64bit but it cold starts the machine and you have to reload everything. I used 32bit and the difference is amazing. The dark days of Vista are gone gone gone.

Segue...I'm running a Garmin 76CSX with their chart disks Which run on the computer also. Fine on the old XP Pro laptop and the new XP netbook (Acer)but the Vista machine was, as to be expected, incapable of running and maintaining those charts. With W7 it runs just fine. W7 so far has one small issue as it uses IE8 as a method to 'pin' open files on the bottom tool bar. When not connected to the 'net it continually pops up a work off line message. I think that's the issue but don't know for sure yet. Besides that and the major plus of getting that !@#$%^&^%$#@ cussed Vista gone for go haven't found anything to dislike.

Which brings me to Coastal Navigator. Used that on one of my merchant marine ships and thought it Tony The Tiger Great! What I don't know is if it willrun the Garmin charts. Any thoughts on that?


Michael D

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