I view them as complimentary goods. Rather than view paper as a subsitite I use them both at the same time. Before getting underway, I generally study and plot courses on the paper charts. On some of the paper charts, you don't even have to plot courses between many destinations - this is the case in most or all Maptech paper charts. Then, the waterproof chart or chart in a waterproof bag gests taken topside - and almost constantly referred to. AS I progress from one point to another as shown on the chartplotter I mark the paper chart with the updated location. I useually use 'arrows' for this. I also find paper charts allows you to often visually put the 'small picture' in a more accurate 'bigger picture'. For instance, on some Garmin chartplotters as you expand the scale at a certain point it ceases to display depths. I can't be having that! I want a chart in front of me at all times that display depths, navigational buoys, landmarks, underwater hazards, et al. If I had to choose one, I would always choose paper. Chartplotters are nice to have but in most cases they are just nice to have. Whereas paper is necessary. Maybe I'm just too old fashioned?