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greg, why an sd card instead of a flash drive? (nm) (pic)
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Take a look at.... (link) (pic)
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What will happen to charting software?
We have Nobletec 9.3x - and we love it.
A change in Nobeltec management might be a good thing (nm)
Agreed on the need for a change in attitude. the Nobelteck
I switched to Coastal Explorer (link)
Here's a possble fix and a question
If by Coastal Navigator, you meant to say Coastal Explorer
Yes...I did mean Coastal Explorer
I don't know where you're heading,
Computer charting..... (link)
as a software developer myself,
Good points... (link)
Nobeltec PC radar. What alternative?
CE does display radar,
PC-based radar - would not do it again
Always like Cap'n myself. Now it's just the chartplotter and paper.
Capn is alive and well... (link)
When My Relapse is Complete ...
LOL! Hell, rick - even I use a chartplotter to a certain extent... (grin)
no paper
Jon, What's unbelievable is a conversation I had
They are the kind of people that make the best cruisers...
Funny, Lynn, the Admiral took me down the dock
ok, Westsail 32. I get them confused with Baba 30s (nm)
Computers and power drain . . . (pic)
I got a Netbook recently
Ditto that...the Acer 8"
got the Eee PC. Haven't gotten any externals yet (nm)
We have been.... (link) (pic)
greg, that's the one i've been looking for!!!
Take a look at.... (link) (pic)
When you get an SD Card,
greg, why an sd card instead of a flash drive? (nm) (pic)
The Eee Pc's have (link) (pic)
Also, probably due to pressure from the digital camera industry,
Netbook waterproof bag
mine is Navy blue.
Not a problem on.... (link) (pic)
not wanting to have either side of velcro mounted on my chart table
Nice article in Sail magazine, or maybe it's Bluewater sailing recently about building a laptop holder into a nav table
That's a good idea,
Computer at the nav table?
Well, in truth, the only reason I'd keep (and do keep) a computer there is b/c the nav table is my writing desk, Frank
I put the same.... (link)
Agree w/Jon, we never use a computer on passage, the paper charts are out ...
Paper chart lecture.... (link)
Good story, but in the Bahamas, my eyes come first ...
Someday, the richest man in Cuba (or Miami, perhaps) will be the holder of the Sea-Tow franchise for Cuba....
hey rick! i'm with you. paper, hand held gps, compass, hand bearing compass, depth sounder, binoculars.
Perfect (nm)
a year?
I think everyone should learn to use paper charts and plot manually too.
I had an experience
paper, then chartplotter, then PC... (link) (pic)
Have paper (of course) -- but don't use them.
have paper and charplotter, but use both
We use PC for planning (link)
We're old fashioned
I like FREE SeaClear charting software. Here's why.
you don't need to be on the boat w/SeaClear (pic)
Re: a quick route I planned from the office, just now.
Steve, I have a question on SeaClear