Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

I'm lucky, most of my expenses come from USING my boat, as opposed to simply owning her... (grin)

Hey Todd,

Boat's paid for, self-insured beyond the absolute minimum, free dockage, only time I ever incur yard bills is a quick haul for a bottom job every few years... So, pretty much the only time I spend money is when I go off cruising, which seems to me is as it should be... One thing that's always amazed me from my perspective as a delivery captain, the amounts and percentage of money clients spend simply to OWN their boats, nothing more...

Hell, during a winter like last year, I may have actually made money by owning my boat... I never do a very close accounting of my cruising expenses, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if it cost me less to head down to the Bahamas for a few months and live off the grid, than it would have to simply heat my house if I'd stayed in NJ... (grin)

best regards,


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