Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

A boat is no different than anything else.

If Todd D is interested in the decline in sailing and how it relates to what it costs to keep a boat he would also have to do a comparison on every purchase or recreational activity we take part in. Boating is no different.

The more pertinent or 'salient' question might be 'Is our way of life going to shit?'

I'm not sure there is a decline in sailing. You have to research the source of an article on a decline of siling. From what viewpoint are the articles written? Who wrote it? What's the spin on the subject (there's always a spin).

If there is a decline in sailing it's probably because people are spending their money on 'cable tv', high speed internet, cell phones, computers and electronic gadgets like big screen tv's and the plethora of new ways to spend the money available. ( let us not forget that we are also in a recession )

To answer the question to be best of my ability. We spend approximately 20% of our available income on our boat. For us, it's worth it.

Your Milage May Vary.

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