Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Hey, Todd --what's the cost up there to sink a mooring? And a few other mooring qn's for you.

(But it sounds like yours is attached to a granite seabed boulder or something, so it's not something that someone sunk?)

Is concrete the typical material if one hires a company to sink a mooring? I looked around briefly the other day for someone who could put in a mooring off Fantasy Island where I mentioned elsewhere that we may be moving to; can't find anyone local close by, just a guy on Vancouver Island way across the way. Had a tug boat, experience, etc. and wants $2000. (Not sure if he would come all the way over here to do it, though.) Does this sound 'about right' in terms of price?

What is 'top chain' and 'bottom chain', exactly?

Why aren't s.s. chain and shackles used --b/c although they won't corrode (?), they're not as strong as non-s.s.?

Just curious to learn a bit more about moorings, as one might be in my future...a year-round mooring! I'm a bit concerned about this, since the bay it'd be in is open to the east, where lows always come in from, and seas can build up in said bay. But, apparently, people do leave their boats there year round. I need to figure out how to do it very securely. (If only I could just freeze it in for free somewhere for the winter, it would be much easier! ;-)

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